Daisy a first time mother had a very quick change from sweet to borderline savage as her hormones went into overdrive. We had to offer some care to the foal and her behaviour made this extremely difficult and dangerous.
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Disclaimer/Release of Liability:
Use of the information contained in the videos on this website is at your own risk. Horses, horse activities and horse training can be extremely dangerous. Working with horses is an inherently dangerous practice and horses are incredibly unpredictable animals. Persons attempting to follow any suggestion from Kaila Watters, Meadow Brook Stables, Tru Horsemanship or any of our associates, in hand or ridden, will do so at their own risk and assume full responsibility for themselves, their horses, and any others in the vicinity. If you are not comfortable with any of the exercises, demonstrations, advice, or activities contained on this Website, then do not attempt it. The training in these videos assume that you are attending to the well being of your horse and have checked out any possible underlying medical problems.