In response to your requests, today I will introduce you to Roman Dmowski, the leader of the National Camp and its ideologist. I will present Dmowski as he truly was. I will also highlight the role he should have in Polish history. Additionally, you will learn about the reasons behind his conflict with Józef Piłsudski. I warmly invite you to watch
They achieved this by taking over companies in countries conquered by the Nazis, by exploiting forced laborers from across Europe, and by mass-producing weapons and armaments for the German army while all of Europe burned. I will also reveal the opportunism of the Allies, who, after the war, did much to ensure that these Nazi billionaires avoided the consequences of their crimes and concealed the bloodstains that tainted the biggest names in the German economy. This is a story that no one has told before. But through it, you will understand why Germany is so determined to evade paying reparations to its former victims. We Poles are the largest among them. I warmly invite you to watch this film.
Premiere on every Friday at 20.00.
Thanks for the numerous comments on my videos and donations. In a special way, I would like to thank:
- Andrzej Maciejewski from Alaska
- The Law Offices of Maciej J. Ordon in Chicago (
- Patryk Krupinski
- Dariusz Kwoka
- Dariusz Wietrzykowski
- Arkadiusz Strykowski
- Wojciech Trojan
- Bartosz Filip Cichy
- Antoni Łosieczka
- Mateusz Jaworowski
- the Toronto District of the Canadian Polish Congress,
- the 'Nasza Polonia' Association in Australia,
- and the IT company Sagitum S.A.
- prof. Mira Modelska-Creech
- Jarosław Bataszew
- Krzysztof Druh
- Tomasz Kaczorowski
- Leszek Klimiuk
- Szymon Duda
Krzysztof Baniewicz, Jacek Bankowski, Rafał Bartczuk, Piotr Bedkowski, Charlie 1988, cyberpunk_pl, Piotr Doniec, Febi, Paweł Gołębiowski, Hrabia JasniePan, Szymon Huptyś, Tomasz Janicki, Jerzy Wojciech Jaworski, Wojciech Kobiela, Jakub Kołowrotkiewicz, Wojciech Kosiba, Pablo Krzymianoi, Robert Kurowski, The KYLE, Krzysztof Legęza, Krzysztof Lesniak, Grzegorz Łoznikow, Mariusz M, mumin_majster, Krzysztof Marat, Kiko Miguel, Christopher Nakedseam, Marek Olekszyk, Fabian Owczarek, Ewa Pacholska, Anastazja Maria Nikołajewna Romanowa, Tomasz Romańczyk, Paweł Ryński, Thorag Solaenison, Jan Szymona, Jakub Warchoł, Krystian Zietek
Every Friday I invite you to the premieres of my new videos, and from Monday to Thursday for #shorts - always at 20:00.
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