#Apple tea #Apple syrup
Hello, I'm Seok!
Today, I'm going to show you how to enjoy apple tea
I brought a recipe 🍎
It smells like sweet caramel
Apple tea with a chewy texture
Try it 😉
사과청 Apple marmalade
사과 Apple 250g
설탕 Sugar 150g
레몬즙 lemon juice 20ml
소금 한꼬집 Salt A pinch
루이보스카라멜 티백 Rooibos Caramel Tea Bag 2ea
루이보스 카라멜 애플티 Rooibos Caramel Apple Tea
사과청 시럽 Apple marmalade syrup 40ml
사과청 과육 Apple marmalade flesh 60g
온수 Hot water 230ml
[커픽처스 커피레시피 101 책]