Okay I caved and HAD to get Rose when I found out how powerful her vocals were. I'm not gonna lie I've been sitting on this cover with Solaria for SEVERAL months and I could never get her to sound quite right with my tuning. Right after getting Rose and plugging her into the cover, she sounded so good I barely even had to change any of the tuning.
Originally, just for the sake of making a "quick" cover, I made this cover the same length as the Project Sekai game length version of the song. If you guys wanna hear a full version, let me know in the comments!!
P.S. Bandori fans RISE. Like this video if you're a true Roseliahead
Tuning, Mix: SnowV
Original song: Tsumiki
Original MV: Project Sekai, mokoppe, Ikumi
Ad-lib parts and harmonies at the end heavily inspired by Will Stetson's cover of the song
#synthesizerv #synthv