Rotating 10 regular polygons on the circle of fifths to produce musical sequences.
The first couple of regular polygons (the triangle and the square) have easy-to-foresee musical results, but others are not so obvious until you see/hear them!
This visualization was written in Java using a graphical library called Processing (, and Java's built-in MIDI library for sound (package javax.sound.midi).
0:00 Triangle
1:17 Square
2:10 Pentagon
3:14 Hexagon
4:06 Heptagon
5:04 Octagon
6:08 Nonagon
7:13 Decagon
8:09 Hendecagon
9:11 Dodecagon
Interested in learning more about algorithms and how to program? Here are some useful and/or classic textbooks that I recommend (these are affiliate links, if you buy one, I get a small commission):
▶ “Algorithms” (4th Edition) by Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne:
▶ “Effective Java” (3rd Edition) by Joshua Bloch:
▶ “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, & John Vlissides:
▶ “Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics” by Stephen B. Maurer & Anthony Ralston:
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