Round 100 on the Black Ops 3 Zombies map Shadows of Evil!
In this gameplay, I complete the Li'l Arnie upgrade Easter egg, build the Rocket Shield, Apothicon Servant, Civil Protector, as well as both the Apothicon Sword and Keeper Sword (Reborn Sword / Kreelasha lu Ahmkhaaleet, Goahlo lu Kortahn, Shaitahn lu Kreemahogra or Kreesaleet la Ahmahm depending on your character). By keeping the Waterfront spawn door and the first stairway closed off, it creates an amazing camping spot. Pair that with the upgraded sword, and rounds fly by!
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies. BO3 Zombies. CoD Zombies
Round 100 On The Giant:
#callofduty #codzombies #bo3