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套路無用之誤解 洪拳 - 箭掌 Routines are useless - Misunderstanding Hung Kuen - Arrow Palm

華藝精武 CWS-CMA 38,089 2 years ago
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華藝精武 - 李俊森師父, 黃志恒教練, 璋師兄 箭掌-又稱「穿心掌」,又有寫作「戰掌」,是洪家拳術的高級拳套,屬林世榮家傳之技,由其叔父林車沖所傳。其名取「箭」者,在孫子兵法有云「善戰者,其勢險,其節短;勢如擴弩,節如發機」,在本拳法之義,即在勢險而短促的情況,勢如箭發,直搗黃龍。故此,講究以靜制動,沉著忍耐,處變不驚,並創造時機,因勢利導,把握形勢,如弩箭在弦,潛伏敵陣,短距突擊,一觸即發,直取其核心要塞;攻其舊力已過,新力未回,難以招架之瞬間;故其拳路著重近身短打,重防守,求速度,內簾必爭,粘橋而入,短橋發勁,近則封打,貼身則近打,更要做到進步不露形,出手不離中等要求。 Arrow palm, also known as "piercing heart palm" or "battle palm," is a high-level boxing technique of the Hung Kuen family martial arts. It belongs to the Lam Sai Wing family tradition and was passed down by his uncle, Lam Geoi Cung. The name "arrow" comes from the saying in Sun Tzu's Art of War: "Those who are skilled in warfare are able to make their forces appear where they are not expected, move swiftly where they are not expected, and occupy the position where they are not expected." In the context of this boxing technique, it means that in a situation where the force is dangerous and short, the momentum is like an arrow, directly attacking the enemy.Therefore, it emphasizes using stillness to control movement, maintaining composure and patience, being adaptable and creating opportunities, and taking advantage of the situation. Like a crossbow arrow on the string, it lurks in the enemy's camp, launching a short-range attack, and striking directly at its core fortress. It attacks the enemy's old strength that has passed and its new strength that has not yet returned, making it difficult to defend against. Its boxing technique emphasizes close-range short strikes, heavy defense, speed, and fighting for every inch. It uses sticking and bridging techniques to enter, with short bridge power, sealing and striking at close range, and ensuring that there is no visible advance or deviation from the center when attacking. ------------------------------------------------- 更多影片連結: 洪家拳 - 水浪拋捶 應用 Hung Gar Kuen - Seoi Long Paau Ceoi Application 洪家-十二支橋 (一)The Core Theory of Hung Gar Twelve Bridge Hands (Part 1) 洪家-工字伏虎 品字三拳之後段應用 Application of The Section-Continuing from Ben Ji Sham Kuen ---------------------------------- 歡迎到本會網站,了解更多課程資訊: Website: Facebook: Instagram: WhatsApp: 852-98438310
