I finally get to ride the exciting new Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650, a bike which I am considering buying for myself !
Timestamps :
00:37 - this is going to be a long video
00:48 - introducing the Super Meteor 650, walk around and tech specs
08:59 - me realising that doing reviews is hard ;)
10:53 - can I move this bike around without using the engine ?
11:50 - low speed handling test
12:52 - the actual test ride begins
34:01 - final thoughts first attempt when GoPro died
34:37 - my actual final thoughts recorded again when I got home
37:54 - Ruby gets a "sossidge"
38:35 - bonus content "ears in wind" ( adorable ! )
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#royalenfield #supermeteor650 #supermeteor #royalenfieldsupermeteor650