**NOTE** This is an older video that just passed a copy right claim. Re-releasing it :)
Today I react to Training of Para SF Commando | Toughest Military Training in India | Veer by Discovery. I am super interested to see how India train their special forces!
Training of Para SF Commando | Toughest Military Training in India | Veer by Discovery: https://youtu.be/SOPblJzi46w
[PODCAST - Tactical Chin Wag]
itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tactical-chin-wag/id1526601642
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6erZjNlEUHQrBAqNspcWeO?si=5K2crJkYTJC2wzl_zjuk9Q
Second Channel: https://youtu.be/ilIf4ZQ0M5g
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/originalhumangaming
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/z6u9eHY
Instagram @OriginalHuman_
Twitter: @OriginalHuman_
Website: LukeJillings.com
Merch! https://teespring.com/stores/originalhuman-store
Business inquires: originalhumanbusiness@gmail.com
I officially have a PO Box!
Luke Jillings
PO Box 3522
Portland, Maine, 04101