If you're looking to get some GE or a Premium, please use a creators link to support then and get a free decal. Here's mine: https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=WarThunder&partner=Oddbawz&partner_val=2bpa5qx4
The AH-129D in War Thunder is an Italian Helicopter armed with Spike ER Missiles. The Spike Missiles are fire and forget which allows the Helicopter to launch a barrage of missiles and then duck behind cover without any more assisted guidance.
The Mangusta Helicopter is VERY easy to play, you're essentially playing a Call of Duty Single Player Mission where you just click on the enemy you want to send back to the hanger and then keep repeating that process until you win.
If you're an Italy main then this is DEFINITELY a very good helicopter to have. It's insane how efficient it is for the very little risk you have playing it!
Recommended! :)
-----SUPPORT ME-----
Buy My Decal: https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=WarThunder&partner=Oddbawz&partner_val=2bpa5qx4
Merch: https://oddbawz-shop.fourthwall.com/en-gbp/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/OddBawZ
Business Email: oddbaw01@gmail.com
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Car Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BamikazeGarage