Looking to make some gold in OSRS? Check out this guide on Runescape's best midgame moneymakers to help you earn some cash in your Old School RuneScape journey! Making money in OSRS is one of the most important aspects of account growth. In this video I will take you through 8 of the best midgame money makers as they stand in the month of January.
What is the midgame? idk, actual question, it means something different to everyone and you're sure to all blast me in the comments about something anyways. I tried to target money makers where you would require 80's to low 90's combats to be successful. Obviously higher stats is going to be better for the speed at which you can do these.
00:00 Intro
00:35 Wave 1 Colo Spam
02:36 Rogues Chest
04:30 Zalcano
06:08 Vorkath
08:20 Vet'ion
10:46 Bandos
13:25 tormented Demons
15:30 Vardorvis
#osrs #oldschoolrunescape #runescape