Fun & Interesting

Running a Bounce House Business From a Storage Unit

Nick Glassett 28,320 4 years ago
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The Jump Off is currently operating out of 2 storage units. We store all the bounce houses, waterslides, and blowers there as well as the tables and chairs, and foam machine. We also have our 14ft trailer there, while our 10 ft trailer goes in my garage. There's no power at the storage unit unfortunately so we still clean everything at my house...and we're now building a pool so we have to clean in the front yard now! The struggle of running a bounce house business from home is real, but it's SUPER worth it! I'd definitely recommend the storage unit move to keep your life from being so cramped. This is a special bounce house business treat for you! I breakdown how I load a trailer, give a total behind the scenes look at my storage units, and a ride along with my little dude Boston and I as we switch from waterslide drop to a junk haul job! Bosman is out for summer and I decided to take him out of camp since he can come work with me. We have a great time so you'll be entertained, and I'm also going to teach you some stuff too :-) PATREON I made a Patreon Page. As the channel grows its getting harder to answer every ones questions with detail - so you can go here to become a Patron to either support what I'm doing, or get consulting and advice from me with ALL your questions answered 😁 JOIN MY DISCORD COMMUNITY AROUND ENTREPRENEUR LIFE Get my TOTAL BOUNCE HOUSE BUSINESS STARTER KIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch my other videos: Bounce House Nightmares: Episode 1 Bounce House Business to Xmas Light Business | IG stories Vlog Oct 19th to Nov 25th 2020 Bounce House Hack Flooded Dino Bouncer Pick Up Cleaning a Bounce House Waterslide Combo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH NICK: 📸 Instagram : 🏰 The Jump Off: 👨🏻‍💻 Blog: 🎙 Podcast: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HERES A LIST OF ALL NICK'S FAVORITE EQUIPMENT Nick's Rental Software Provider, INFLATABLE OFFICE Drummond Non-submersible Pump Xtra Tuff Boots Velcro for Vinyl Signs Mr Clean Disinfecting Wash Shop vac 30ft shopvac hose Mr Clean Magic Erasers Push broom to scrub dirty slides Electric Leaf Blower Spark Business Card 3% Cash back ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS VIDEO! 👉If you enjoy this video, Please like and share it. 👉 Don't forget to subscribe to this channel & press the bell 🔔 for more updates. 👉 Subscribe now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📧 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for watching this video, click the "SUBSCRIBE" button to stay connected with this channel. 💚 Subscription Link: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick quit his 16 year "career" as as a District Manager for Journeys shoes in August 2019, and while he worked to scale The Jump Off, he drove uber, sold trash that he found on the side of the road, and picked up as many odd jobs (like building swing sets) as he could. Then in late 2019, Nick hit "The Bounce House lottery" ( and when the pandemic shut everything down in 2020, he sprung into action and took that moment to make The Jump Off what it is today! #bouncehousebusiness #bouncehouse #nickglassett #BounceHouseMarketing #bouncehousenightmares
