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Vince Desi and Mike Jaret of Running With Scissors (better known as the twisted company behind one of the most controversial, cult-classic video game series ever, POSTAL) have arrived on The Cyber Den! At the request of the team, their answers are completely uncut and downright hilarious.
0:00 Intro
0:43 RWS' Origins
2:22 Intentions with Postal
3:38 Jake likes the diary extracts
7:40 Backlash, controversy, and the final mission: "The School"
11:19 Proud of being banned in 14 countries?
15:49 Vince Desi vs. The Wall Street Journal: NO MERCY
17:51 Postal 2's comical change in tone
21:51 Mike J., The Giant Mutant-Cow-Tourettes-Zombie
24:15 Gary Coleman in Postal 2
25:43 The one line Gary refused to record…
28:13 Postal 2: Paradise Lost, DLC released over a decade later (and Postal 3 never existed)
33:43 Video game journalism, Steam scores, and maintaining a strong relationship with customers
40:37 Did RWS like Hatred, the Postal-esque top-down shooter?
45:35 Jake’s thoughts on Hatred
47:08 RWS’ future games in development
48:26 Could Jake voice act in the next game? (My offer’s still there, guys!)
49:36 Jake’s radio job interview gone sour, and how The Cyber Den is like Running With Scissors (hear me out, seriously)
51:14 Vince and Mike’s message to fans
53:26 Ending
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