Nazhul Kenzhetay arrived at the red star of the Turkic world, the Altays, after her visit of Tofa Turks. The Altays are one of the numerous Turkic people. They mostly live in Altay Republic and Altay Kray, both in Siberia. They have many names: Altay, Teleüt, Telengit, Kara (Dark) Tatar, Oyrat.
In this episode, we discovered that Altays have enough traditions to support the Turkic world. They live in a zone hich is logistically pretty important. But the groundwork of the region is insufficient, thus, it brought many difficulties to us.
Interesting adventures awatied us when we were going to the Koşağaç region after finishing our investigation in the capital of the Altay Republic. Despite everything, the team, who decided to continue the path they started, returns from the brink of danger.
Keep watching Bir Tugan tracing the ancient Turks!