"I rushed that shot", "Why do you keep rushing?", "Stop rushing d*****", "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" -- how many times have you said these to yourself? And does anything change?! Not usually...because just telling your brain doesn't actually make any difference.
BUT there are things you CAN do that approach the problem from a different angle. And in this video I list out four of them, including things you can do off the course, to train your brain and body on what TO DO (not what NOT to do).
Videos I mentioned in the video (how meta)
- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/O5BcwR-fMR0?feature=share
- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/V7KXmCcl3r8?feature=share
- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wlAQwF6QURE?feature=share
(And that early Michael Bolton/Lonely Island video if you're looking for it:
Hope this is helpful! Please let me know with the like button, and drop me a comment with what you liked/what worked.
**If you're into improving your game, I highly recommend this book:**
Tiger's How I Play Golf: https://amzn.to/3KHalyD
THIS BOOK IS AMAZING. Teaches you all the stuff you would have to spend years figuring out on the course, has tons of pictures and clear explanations, and stands the test of time (I've had my copy over 20 years, and everyone I've recommended it to, loves it).
Annnddd...here are a couple of my other videos that other folks have liked/found useful:
- Using smart golf to set a new personal best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpYs5muz7Uw
- How to suck less at par 3s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnln7wXX_fU&t=0s
- What's IN my bag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ352-G33kY
- What's NOT in my bag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0zTU0d6bn4
(PS: some of the links listed are affiliate links so I might get a kickback from them, which I will then spend on golf balls that I will lose on the course and thus the circle of life continues)
00:00 Intro
00:47 4: Monkey see, monkey do
02:52 3: Practice swings
04:21 2: Arriving at the ball
07:47 1: Backswing
10:08 Summary
Hey - I'm Manu, a full-time desk-jobber and part-time golfer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. After 23 YEARS of mindless hacking, I finally got my act together and dropped my handicap from ~12 to scratch.
What I learned is we waste a lot of time at the range, but there are SO MANY THINGS you can do to get big results IMMEDIATELY. And so I make videos to share what I've learned and help you make the journey WAY faster (and with less frustration). Hope this is helpful!
Want to chat about videos or business stuff? Drop me a line: upbeatgolfer@gmail.com