Europe has been preparing especially recently for the next scenario of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
According to European Union leaders, if Russian President Vladimir Putin emerges from the Ukraine war with a stronger hand, this could be the beginning of a devastating and very difficult period for Europe.
After Ukraine, Putin could turn his focus away from the Eastern bloc and toward the West.
That is why the European side believes that Russia is now trying to be the dominant party in the peace negotiations.
Countries like France, the United Kingdom and Germany want to neutralize the Russian leader's most important military resources and take measures against them.
France in particular has recently taken a very critical decision in this regard.
The Paris government has announced that it wants to cooperate with Germany against the Moscow regime's trump card that has alarmed the West since the beginning of the war.
Considering the Russian fighter jets with nuclear warheads, the French offered Germany fighter jets carrying nuclear weapons.
Yes, that is correct. Paris is now trying to make a deal with Berlin against the nuclear rivalry war that nobody wants and which may be behind the final curtain.
We are going to analyze France's nuclear capable aircraft move in detail.
We will also look at the rivalry between Russia and the West over nuclear weapons.