🌟 S+ Senna support putting in work! Between constant poke, scaling damage, and crucial healing, I made sure my team had everything they needed to succeed. With Black Cleaver, Bloodsong, and Boots of Swiftness, I kept the pressure up all game long!
🔥 Our team: Teemo top, Kayn jungle, Twisted Fate mid, Hwei bot, and me as Senna support. We faced off against Dr. Mundo, Master Yi, Vex, Jhin, and Mordekaiser in a chaotic but action-packed game.
✨ Match Highlights:
Poking Jhin & Mordekaiser down in lane while keeping Hwei safe.
Black Cleaver shredding through Mundo & Mordekaiser in team fights.
Landing huge Dawning Shadows for clutch shields and extra damage!
📌 Runes & Build:
Runes: Aery / Manaflow Band / Transcendence / Scorch (plus Resolve secondary: Font of Life / Revitalize).
Bonuses: 10% Attack Speed, +9 Adaptive Force, & +65 Health.
Build: Black Cleaver for armor shred, Bloodsong for scaling AD & healing, and Boots of Swiftness for extra mobility.
💬 Senna’s mix of poke, sustain, and scaling makes her one of the most fun supports to play! What’s your favorite Senna build? Let’s chat in the comments!
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