Ask NAATI, November 2024, was recorded live at the 37th AUSIT National Conference in Melbourne and features Aurélie Sheehan, Manager, Certification Policy and Development and Michael Nemarich, Chief Operation Officer at NAATI on the panel.
Ask NAATI is an All Graduates and NAATI initiative that aims to provide information to practitioners directly from a NAATI representative.
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00:00 Engaging with the Community
15:47 Navigating Professional Development Challenges
18:37 Exploring Language Maintenance Strategies
24:21 Addressing Financial Viability in the Industry
28:19 The Importance of Collective Efforts for Change
31:40 Understanding Economic Value and Risk in Interpreting
35:35 Adapting to Technological Changes in the Industry
45:53 International Recognition of Credentials
57:06 Standardization of Language Testing