这是我查阅多篇领域前沿论文后,对三星S23Ultra主摄CMOS,新一代两亿像素传感器ISOCELL HP2的技术解析,欢迎三连+关注。本期完全自制,没有厂商参与。部分参考文献:
J. Yun et al., "A 0.6 ㎛ Small Pixel for High Resolution CMOS Image Sensor with Full Well Capacity of 10,000e- by Dual Vertical Transfer Gate Technology," 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits
H. Kim et al., "5.6 A 1/2.65in 44Mpixel CMOS Image Sensor with 0.7µm Pixels Fabricated in Advanced Full-Depth Deep-Trench Isolation Technology," 2020 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)
Wook Lee et al., "Simulation-based study on characteristics of dual vertical transfer gates in sub-micron pixels for CMOS image sensors."
J. Ahn et al., "7.1 A 1/4-inch 8Mpixel CMOS image sensor with 3D backside-illuminated 1.12μm pixel with front-side deep-trench isolation and vertical transfer gate," 2014 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)
Y. Oh et al., "A 0.8 μm Nonacell for 108 Megapixels CMOS Image Sensor with FD-Shared Dual Conversion Gain and 18,000e- Full-Well Capacitance," 2020 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
0:00 开头
0:49 核心技术D-VTG
1:18 什么是传输门Transfer Gate
2:05 垂直与双垂直传输门
2:35 HP2的大满井
3:25 DVTG技术提升满井的原理
3:58 满井容的意义
4:33 为什么十六合一
6:05 四核全向对焦Super QPD
7:19 三星小像素高性能
8:17 DSG技术与双增益
8:58 双增益的本质
9:43 DSG技术的特点
10:20 三增益与ISO融合
10:55 Smart-ISO Pro融合
11:37 我对一英寸大底的看法
12:20 HP2的核心设计思路
13:00 总结