#saadun #najeeb sahab #Qasmi Imam o khateeb Jama masjid Mangal
#@Hazrat #Maulana #Mufti
#जलसा इस्लाहे मुआसरा मन्नुलाह पट्टी रानीगंज अररिया
मौलाना कासिम कैसर रहमानी कन्वीनर अजीम ओ शान इस्लाहे मुआशरा अमानुल्लाह पट्टी #रानीगंज #अररिया
saadun najeeb sahab letest 2019/25/01/जलसा इस्लाहे मुआसरा मन्नुलाह पट्टी रानीगंज अररिया
Email Id - news@nstv.in
Website :- www.nstv.in
About NSTV :-
New Sheemanchal Television (NSTV) is a social media news channel since March,20 ‘2016 established by Mr. Aman Alam .Now this channel transform into digital media also available in regional cable platform.
Finally NSTV registered from “Ministry of corporate affairs office of registrar of companies”.
Registered Name:- NEW SHEEMANCHAL TELEVISION SERVICE Pvt Ltd. commonly called NSTV.