Sabata Valleys Judge | (EHI AMICO C'E SABATA) Watch Turkish Dubbed | Western | 1969
The director of the film is Italian Gianfranco Parolini, who is also a screenwriter and actor. Best known for his Spaghetti Westerns, Gianfranco Parolini uses 11 other Anglo-Saxon names in his films, including Frank Kramer and Robert F. Atkinson.[2] Parolini also assisted Renato Izzo in writing the script. American actor Lee Van Cleef, one of the indispensable actors of Spaghetti Westerns, and Austrian actor William Berger played the leading roles in the movie. The rest of the cast of the movie was chosen entirely from Italian actors. Probably due to commercial concerns, the names of most of the Italian players were changed to Anglo-Saxon names in the promotional articles.
Lee Van Cleef Sabata
William Berger Banjo
Ignazio Spalla Carrincha (written as Pedro Sanchez)
Aldo Canti Indio (written as Nick Jordan)
Franco Ressel Stengel
Antonio Gradoli Ferguson (written as Anthony Gradwell)
Linda Veras Jane
Claudio Undari Oswald, Stengel's right-hand man (written as Robert Hundar)
Gianni Rizzo Judge O'Hara
Spartaco Conversi Slim, Stengle Henchman (written as Spanny Convery)
Carlo Tamberlani Nichols (written as Charles Tamblyn)
Luciano Pigozzi Fake Father Brown (written as Alan Collins)
Marco Zuanelli Sharky, Stengle's hired gunslinger
Franco Marletta Capt.
Andrea Aureli Daniel
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