Welcome to another Sunday chat 🥰 where I share:
More on my 2012 awakening story, my astrological ability to hold both the light and the dark in a big way.
How we're transitioning from a dark to light power matrix, which is linked to the American political system.
Heart coherence and our souls ability to connect to oneness.
The power of lesson learning and organic growth over time vs. sped up enlightenment where soul energetics integrate and match up with our human vessel.
Old souls vs. starseeds and volunteers. Soul purpose vs. soul missions.
Way to move energy: breath-work, developed presence, our ability to witness, yoga, martial arts, running, surfing, ways that bring us into the flow state, energy healing techniques, grounding principles, our ability to look at pain and suffering as an aspect of our human condition vs. personalizing and taking ownership over pain, aromatherapy, crystals, plant medicines.
Ascension (getting our bodies to match the vibration of our souls) vs. embodiment practices.
Offering children spaces that are free or almost free from technology until they are seven yers old.
Technology as a tool.
How to not destroy but also to embrace the pain.
Tantra and connecting our heart and sacral energy.
#awakening #astrology #lightanddark #lightpowermatrix #americanpolitics #heartcoherence #oneness #lessonlearning #organicgrowth #oldsoul #starseed #volunteersoul #breathwork #presence #thewitness #yoga #running #surfing #flowstate #energyhealingtechniques #groundingprinciples #painandsuffering #aromatherapy #crystals #plantmedicines #asscension #embodiment #tantra #hearthealing #heartcoherence #betrayal #judgement #abandonment #seperation #denial #sacredheartwounds #energyhealing #selflove #divineblueprint #5d #spiritualawakeing #selfhelp #galacticsouls #oldsoul #innerwork #innerdevelopment #energyhealingvolg #spiritualgrowth #healer #lineagehealing #narcissist #narcissism #codependency #codependent #selfhelp #healingjourney #aura #glactic #cosmicconnections #spiritualdevelopment #hearthealing #secretwisdom #auricfieldscience #chakras #awakening #innerchildhealing #feartolove #lineagehealer #spiritualbypassing