-only idiots are dead sure of what they're doing.
- either you must be an idiot or you must be a fanatic, then
you're dead sure otherwise every moment
there is a doubt about everything.
it's a good way to live
-there is nothing here in the world which is 100% yes or
100% no.
-doubt is good you must encourage doubt within yourself otherwise you will either become a fanatic or a fool
-you must be joyfully confused
-confidence is a terrible thing because confidence means without clarity you have attained to certainty.
-confidence is the first step towards fanaticism you will see nobody's or as confident as a fanatic.
-you will walk through the world negotiate this world well only when
there is clarity not when there is confidence .
-confidence is a very bad thing that's been nurtured in
people what you need is clarity.
- clarity needs working upon yourself it will not
come simply like that
-we are too much result oriented, not process oriented. if our processes are right results will come, but because
we're in such a hurry for results we are too result oriented
- eight forms of memory. all these memories
put together- you are the person that you
-genetic memory and the karmic memory will overpower everything that you are doing consciously, unless you
have created a certain level of awareness within you.
with English subtitles (@For many people its the way to better understand the teachings, with great love #OnePath @)
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