#iceborne #mhw #mhwib #monsterhunter #mhfatalis #turfwar #mhsafijiiva
Can any monster survive Safi'jiivas (Monster Hunter World Iceborne) ultimate The Sapphire Of The Emperor; watch to find out, as we put each monster in MHW Iceborne to the test in front of its most powerful attack.
Disclaimer: Safi'jiiva ultimate was buffed with Fatalis Nova stats, so we call it the true Sapphire Of The Emperor, a move the can live up to its reputation.
Anjanath: 00:01
Banbaro: 00:19
Barroth: 00:37
Jyuratodus: 00:57
Kulu-Yak-Ku: 01:18
Tzitzi-Ya-Ku: 01:42
Great Jagras: 02:05
Great Girros: 02:26
Dodogama: 02:46
Beotodus: 03:07
Paolumu: 03:29
Pukei-pukei: 03:51
Rathian: 04:15
Tobi-Kadachi: 04:35
Radobaan: 04:56
Nightshade Paolumu: 05:16
Coral Pukei-pukei: 05:37
Pink Rathian: 06:01
Viper Tobi-Kadachi: 06:26
Rathalos: 06:50
Glavenus: 07:12
Barioth: 07:37
Diablos: 08:02
Tigrex: 08:25
Odogaron: 08:50
Legiana: 09:29
Yian Garuga: 09:33
Nargacuga: 10:01
Azure Rathalos: 10:26
Acidic Glavenus: 10:47
Frostfang Barioth: 11:14
Black Diablos: 11:40
Brute Tigrex: 12:02
Ebony Odogaron: 12:26
Shrieking Legiana: 12:49
Scarred Yian Garuga: 13:09
Fulgur Anjanath: 13:35
Brachydios: 13:55
Lavasioth: 14:19
Uragaan: 14:46
Zinogre: 15:15
Stygian Zinogre: 15:39
Gold Rathian: 15:60
Silver Rathalos: 16:25
Rajang: 16:54
Furious Rajang: 17:16
Savage Deviljho: 17:42
Seething Bazelgeuse: 18:11
Kirin: 18:32
Kushala Daora: 18:58
Teostra: 19:25
Blackveil Vaal Hazak: 19:50
Namielle: 20:17
Velkhana: 20:40
Lunastra: 21:04
Ruiner Nergigante: 21:26
Monster Hunter World is a large scale game released in early 2018 allowing players to hunt large wyverns and other amazing monsters. It was followed by the latest installment Monster Hunter Rise which is due an massive expansion known as Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak very similar to Monster Hunter World Iceborne; both of which introduced Master Rank the equivalent of G Rank in older titles such as Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
A follow on to our previous video: Fatalis Vs Everyone: Which monsters can survive Fatalis Ultimate Nova?
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