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In a tense courtroom scene on "Gangaa," Gangaa and Sagar engage in a heated argument before the judge. While the judge acknowledges Gangaa's concerns, emphasizing the importance of both parents in a child's upbringing, he also questions Gangaa about Krishna's paternity. After careful consideration, Gangaa steadfastly denies that Sagar is Krishna's father, insisting that she did not spend the night with him on the crucial day. The episode leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to discover the repercussions of Gangaa's declaration in the ongoing legal battle. Tune in to "Gangaa" to uncover the unfolding drama.
Show Name : Gangaa
Producer/Star Cast : Aditi Sharma,Vishal Vashishtha,Shakti Anand,Hiten Tejwani,Gungun Uprari,Raj Singh Verma,Sushmita Mukherjee
Episode No : 289
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About Gangaa :
Ganga is a Hindi drama television series starring Aditi Sharma, Vishal Vashishtha, Ruhana Khanna, Shakti Anand and Hiten Tejwani. The story revolves around Ganga, a small girl who gets married at a tender age and turns widow on the same day. As she grows up she becomes friends with Sagar and gradually their friendship turns into love.
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Sagar और Gangaa बने एक दूसरे के दुश्मन | Gangaa | Full Ep 289 @andtvchannel