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Saint Rafqa Sanctuary: Spending a Day Inside St. Joseph Monastery; Life at the Convent! Episode 1

Anthony Rahayel 33,379 3 years ago
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Saint Rafqa Sanctuary: Spending a Unique and Memorable Day Inside St Joseph Monastery with the Nuns . مزار القديسة رفقا: قضاء يوم فريد لا يُنسى داخل دير مار يوسف مع الراهبات . Epsode 2: . Saint Rafqa: Born in Himlaya, in the northern Metn on June 29, 1832, her father was Mourad Saber el-Chobok el-Rayess and her mother Rafqa Gemayel. She lost her mother when she was only 7 years old, and in 1843 her father sent her to serve as an aide to Damascus with Assad Badawi, a person from Mount Lebanon. She did not return until 1847, noting that in her absence her father had remarried. His aunt then considered leaving her to marry her cousin, while her mother-in-law wanted to unite her with her brother. Then, on March 19, 1861, she became a novice before presenting her vows on March 19, 1862, to the Monastery of Ghazir, then managed by the Jesuits. She was first appointed as a cook before becoming a teacher, and as early as 1863, and being transferred to a girls’ school in the Byblos area. The idea of Saint Rafqa’s basilica: Honoring Saint Rafqa spread out in 10 June 2001 after her declaration as Saint all over the world. Since that time, thousand of visitors started to came to visit her grave for benediction, prayer and intercession. Before declaring her as saint, the nuns at Saint Joseph monastery insisted on building a big church in her name in order to gather thousands of visitors especially during the important celebrations : Saint Rafqa’s Day, our Lady’s Day, Sundays, occasions and ceremonies, conferences, meetings and spiritual education. Several difficulties appeared especially concerning location and financing. It was agreed upon that it will be located within the scope of Rafqa’s first grave on the mountain’s versant where Saint Joseph monastery was erected to the south overlooking a small village. . . Rafka was born in Himlaya, in Matn District, on June 29, 1832, the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, the only child of Saber Mourad El Rayess and Rafqa Gemayel, and was baptised Boutrossieh (pronounced in Arabic as the feminine of Peter). Her mother died when she was seven years of age. In 1843, her father experienced financial difficulties and sent her to work as a servant for four years in Damascus at the home of Assaad Al-Badawi. She returned home in 1847 to find that her father had remarried. Boutrossieh's kinsman, Father Joseph Gemayel and his family founded a new religious institute for women that provided them with full-time education as well as religious instruction. Boutrossieh's name, Pierine (in French), was listed last among the first four candidates of the Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception ("Mariamettes", in French) in Gemayel's notebook dated January 1, 1853.[2] She was 21. . Thank you for watching another video or live coverage by Anthony Rahayel (انطوني رحيّل) NoGarlicNoOnions. "Spreading happiness and Sharing joy" is what I do. . Arabic, French, and English: My Channel Speaks 3 Languages. . Welcome to #AnthonyRahayel, #NoGarlicNoOnions Youtube channel "Always remember; Happiness is a choice..." . . شكرًا لك على مشاهدة مقطع فيديو آخر أو تغطية مباشرة بواسطة NoGarlicNoOnions. "نشر السعادة ومشاركة الفرح" هو ما أفعله . Proudly Lebanese... My mission is to show the Lebanese cosmopolitan culture through my eyes, to the world! Traveling around the world, visiting Dubai monthly, I support small businesses and spot the next food trends. In Lebanon: I'm trying to support as many families, businesses, and heroes, during Lebanon's hard crisis. . . . Support my initiatives: DIRECT PAYPAL TRANSFER: . . JOIN my channel, support my initiative, and help me continue the journey, showing our true Lebanon to the world, with a small monthly contribution: . JOIN: . MORE ABOUT me: . . Follow my steps on Social Media: - FACEBOOK: - INSTAGRAM: - TWITTER: - TIKTOK: - LINKEDIN: . . SUPPORT my mission: . BUY MERCHANDISE: . #NGNO #Lebanon #Food #Dubai #Paris #LebaneseVillages #لبنان #VisitLebanon #Mechwar #Lebanon #Happiness #Joy #TourismVideos #TravelwithAnthony #NGNOdiscovers #exploringLebanon #FoodVideos #positivelebanon #Lebaneseandproud #unitinglebanon #Foodblogger
