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Recap of the day on our blog: http://www.blog.seidoshop.com/interview-saito-hitohira-sensei/
--- INTRO ---
Born in 1957, Saitō Hitohira Sensei succeeded his father and teacher Saitō Morihiro Shihan after he passed away in 2002. He is now the leader of the Shin Shin Aiki Shūrenkai, an Aikido organization he created especially to preserve, develop and spread the teachings of his father’s Aikido.
He became an official instructor at the Iwama Dōjō in 1986, and took care of both the Dōjō and the Aiki Shrine until 2004, when he created the Shin Shin Aiki Shūrenkai.
Saitō Sensei emphasizes technical precision and the relation between weapons and Taijutsu.
His goal is to preserve Iwama’s Aikido as it was taught to his father and to himself by the founder. To him, it is not only a question of techniques but also of lifestyle, transmitted through practice, farming, and the founder’s religion. His artistic sense is actually not only expressed in his Aikido; he is also a chef, a calligraph and a sculptor.
Today, he conducts various seminars around the globe, as well as a traditional Uchi-Deshi program in his own Dojo, the Tanrenkan, where he welcomed us for this exceptional interview.
--- CONTENTS ---
0:00 - Introduction
1:40 - Thank you very much for welcoming us at your Dojo. May I ask you to introduce yourself, along with your school?
2:32 - Where does your School come from, and what’s its story?
2:54 - Could you tell us what you focus your teaching on?
4:02 - How does a typical day go in your Dojo?
5:37 - Why did you choose to live your life through Aikido?
6:25 - Do you have other activities besides Aikido? I hear that you also practice cooking, calligraphy and sculpture.
7:57 - What does it mean for you that your family totally supports your practice of Aikido?
8:45 - What kind of Shinto does the name of your school refer to? Does your belief have a relation with O'Sensei's "Omoto Kyo”?
9:46 - How does it influence your practice and your spirit? How can Aikido contribute to the World's peace?
12:43 - This is a quote from Tokimune that one of his students reported. It sounds like O'Sensei. Do you think that Daito Ryu adapted to Aikido or did O'Sensei develop concepts that were already existing in Daito Ryu?
13:45 - Like O'Sensei and your father, you practice Tanren a lot yourself. Should we think that although it is not necessary to use one's strength against an opponent, it is, however, necessary to have a strong and resilient body?
14:56 - How important are the Uchi Deshi Sessions to you? What represents the relationship between the master and the student for you?"
16:04 - You succeeded your father. How do you see the transmission system? Should it stay absolutely within the family?
17:36 - Can you tell us about the future of Iwama Aikido and your own succession?
18:06 - Would you like to deliver a message to Aikido practitioners of the world?
To Sobue Mitsunori and Olivier Eberhardt for the introduction to Saito Sensei.
Saito sensei does not accept visits/interviews without introduction, so please do not contact him without proper introduction.
To Josh Gold who gave us access to Aikido Journal's archives (https://aikidojournal.com/)
--- SOURCES ---
3 Sacred Treasures of Japan: https://goo.gl/bfw4DR
L’essence de l’aikido: https://goo.gl/4nxu8f
Morihiro Saito in front of the Aiki Shrine: https://goo.gl/z1jjRa
Morihei Ueshiba with Morihiro Saito: https://goo.gl/prz1yX
Fields: https://goo.gl/PpsCmS (by rumpleteaser CC BY 2.0) & https://goo.gl/qqjYikby jon (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Morihei Ueshiba with a young Morihiro Saito: https://goo.gl/DqEg5d
Onisaburo Deguchi: https://goo.gl/9Hg3aE
An Introduction to Koichi Tohei: https://goo.gl/YYgG2C
Morihiro Saito: 1973 TV Documentary: https://goo.gl/qTTr9M
Tokimune Takeda: https://goo.gl/74w8xH
Amaterasu: https://goo.gl/Nf1rxB
Izanami & Izanagi: https://goo.gl/6qapsc
Facebook page of the Iwama Shinshin Aikido: https://goo.gl/eDnikB
Enryakuji temple (by 663highland CC2.5): https://goo.gl/M28EYo
Morihei Ueshiba: Way of Harmony: https://goo.gl/y1eCfu
--- CREDITS ---
Director: Jordy Delage
Editing & Camera: Jordy Delage & Nicolas Nothum
Music: "Senbazuru" - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) CC 3.0
Narrator: Brian Kamei
Translation & subtitles: Adrien Becam, Eriko Hoshi, Jordy Delage, Jean-François Rauch, 周彥博 (ZH)
--- SOCIAL ---
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeidoShopInt
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#SaitoHitohira #IwamaAikido #BudoInterviews