Sakakoshi, Akaho City, Hyogo Prefecture, prospered as a port of call for Kitamae ships.
The cultural assets that remain in Sakakoshi are certified as Japanese heritage.
Sakakoshi is located in the eastern part of Akaho City, with Harima Nada and Sakakoshi Bay in the south, and the Chitose River on the east side.
It is said that Hata no Kawakatsu, who was an aide to Prince Seitoku, fled to Sakoshi in the 3rd year of Kougyoku Emperor (644 AD) in order to avoid the rebellion of Soga Iruka.
In Sakoshi, there is a Osake Shrine that enshrines Hata no Kawakatsu.
Osake Shrines are scattered in the southwestern part of the former Harima country.
It is Hata no Kawakatsu who was a master when Prince Syotoku opened Kakurinji Temple in Kakogawa (589 AD).
It is said that Hata no Kawakatsu worshiped Ujigami at Tomari Shrine near Kakurinji Temple. The connection between Hata no Kawakatsu and the former Harima region at that time must have been deep.
In Akaho City, there are many tourist destinations such as Sakoshi, Osake Shrine, Iwatsuhime Shrine, Ako Castle Ruins, Oishi Shrine, and Ako Misaki Onsen.
Sakakoshi is also known as a oyster producing area.
#Sakoshi #Hyogo #Ako #Kitamaebune #Shrine #Oyster #Japanese Heritage #Shrine #坂越 #兵庫 #赤穂 #北前船 #神社#牡蠣 #日本遺産 #神社
聖徳太子の側近であった秦河勝が、皇極天皇3年(西暦 644)に蘇我入鹿の乱を避ける為に、坂越に逃れて来たと言われています。
聖徳太子が加古川の鶴林寺を開基した時に棟梁に任命された(西暦 589)のが秦河勝です。