Salary negotiation tips for 2021 + Free PDF Guide:
What are your Salary Expectations? Good answer to this interview question:
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Learn how to negotiate salary like a pro!
Whether you're terrified of negotiating a job offer or you think you're a smooth operator, you will learn something from my latest video.
After negotiating hundreds of times for over 20 years in my HR career, I've observed that these work like a charm. How to negotiate salary.
Everything is negotiable: that means everything is worth asking for. If the answer is a no, it’s a no. At least you made yourself heard. And that means something!
Do keep in mind though that the views expressed are from my own experiences and best practices and I hope this gives you a sense of exercising your self worth.
Apply it with your own judgment keeping in mind the culture and industry you have in mind.
I have an updated video for 2021 on Salary Negotiation, watch here:
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Do keep in mind though that the views expressed are from my own experiences and best practices. Apply your own judgment keeping in mind the culture and industry you are/wish to be in.