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Salting Out Soap Making | Marseille Soap Making | 염석비누만들기 | 올리브 마르세유 비누만들기 | Traditional Soaping

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Salting Out Soap Making | Marseille Soap Making | 염석비누만들기 | 올리브 마르세유 비누만들기 | Traditional Soaping 프랑스 마르세유 지역에서 만들어지는 올리브 비누를 재현해보았습니다. 향긋한 그린 올리브 오일을 72%이상 사용하여 만들었습니다. I tried to reproduce the olive soap made in the Marseille region of France. Made with over 72% fragrant green olive oil. ⛲🌿⛵CONTACT⛵🌿⛲ [염석비구입처] -한방 염석비누 "비초향" : -자연물 듬뿍 "우유니" : [인스타그램] [구독] ⛲🌿⛵DEAR EVERYONE⛵🌿⛲ 새로운 비누를 만들 때 저는 주로 역사가 깊은 비누 제작법에서 많은 영감을 얻습니다. 옛날의 비누 제작법 속에는 깊은 지혜들이 숨겨져 있기 때문입니다. 오늘 만들어 본 비누는 프랑스의 마르세유 비누로 식물성 오일만을 사용하여 만든 아주 단단한 전통비누입니다. 마르세유 지방은 풍부한 올리브 열매를 통해 이미 17세기부터 초록빛의 올리브 비누를 제작하였습니다. 현재는 단 4개의 공장만이 전통 올리브 마르세유 비누의 명맥을 이어가고 있습니다. (이 공장들에서 1900년대의 레시피가 현재까지 이어지고 있다니 정말 놀랍고 멋지지다는 생각이 듭니다.) 솥에서 끓여 만들고 올리브유의 함량이 72% 이상이어야 전통의 마르세유 비누라고 하는데, 저희 작업실에서 재현한 비누들은 어떤지 여러분께서 함께 지켜봐주세요. When I make new soaps, I get a lot of inspiration mainly from historical soap-making methods. Because deep wisdom is hidden in the old soap making methods. The soap I made today is a very hard traditional soap made with only vegetable oil from Marseille soap in France. The Marseille region has been producing green olive soap since the 17th century already from the abundance of olive berries. Currently, only four factories continue the tradition of olive Marseille soap. (I think it is really surprising and wonderful that the recipes from the 1900s in these factories are continuing to the present day.) It is made by boiling in a pot and the content of olive oil must be at least 72% to be a traditional Marseille soap. ⛲🌿⛵TIMELINE⛵🌿⛲ 00:00 인트로|Intro 00:52 오일|Oil 01:36 알칼리|Alkali 02:25 비누화|Saponification 03:29 염석|Salting out 04:55 비누물빼기|Drain the water 06:41 비누녹이기|Melting 07:43 몰드에붓기|Pour into mold 09:52 비누커팅|Cutting 10:32 거품테스트|Lather test ⛲🌿⛵RELATED VIDEO⛵🌿⛲ ✅How to make Marseille style soap at home ↳How to make Marseille style soap at home.In this video I show you how I make this Marseille style soap. Thank you for watching! Marseille soap is a traditional vegetable oil based hard soap, produced around the Marseille region in France. This soap is made with the hot process method. Lye is one of the ingredients used to make soap. Always remember to be careful and follow safety precautions when using lye, gloves and protective eye wear is a must. ✅Savon de Marseille: the other virtues of Olive oil I WIDE ↳Olives are the green gold of Marseille. Thanks to this precious fruit, the city gained international fame as early as the 17th century for the manufacture of its green soaps made with olive oil. Nowadays only four traditional soap factories remain and the Fabres family is one of them. Their recipe hasn't changed since 1900. The green soap contains at least 72% olive oil. Only vegetable oils can be used, and the soap mixture has to be heated in open cauldrons just like it was done under the reign of Louis XIV. Meet with Marie Bousquet-Fabre, the great-granddaughter of the soap factory's founder and learn everything there is to know about saponification. ✅대통(대나무통) 올리브마르세유 비누 만들기 / 공방일상 ↳사용된 레시피 코코넛오일[coconut oil]_140g 팜오일[palm oil]_70g 올리브오일[Olive oil]_550g 정제수_[H2O]_266(35%) 수산화나트륨_[NaOH]_104g(-5%) ✅Savon de Marseille- French Soaps Fabrication ↳Savon de Marseille manufacturing processes by our French Soaps supplier Savonnerie Le Sérail. ✅72%馬賽皂【古方皂】 | 72% Marseille Soap | Savon de Marseille ↳這期影片是另一個經典古方皂。歷史悠久,超級好用!趕快來試下做吧! This is another classic soap recipe. This recipe has existed for thousands of years. Let's do it! 手工皂 | 冷製皂 | 我能不能在家自己製作手工皂? 其實在家也能自己製作手工皂,只要學好基礎,做好防護措施,學習如何正確使用氫氧化鈉。你,也能自己在家動手製作天然好用又美麗的手工皂【每週】定期更新影片,與你分享更多有關手工皂的知識,讓你少走彎路!不想錯過的話就趕快訂閱我的頻道吧!記得一定要打開小鈴鐺!這樣你才不會錯過我的新影片。 歡迎你在影片下方留言,或是加入我的Facebook Group(鏈接在上方),分享你的美皂或是交流心得 72%馬賽皂【古方皂】 | 72% Marseille Soap | Savon de Marseille ⛲🌿⛵BACKGROUND MUSIC⛵🌿⛲
