Sampling and Sampling Techniques (የናሙና አውሳሰድ ዘዴ እና አይነቶቻቸው)
This video is about sampling and its techniques. It highlights the major types of sampling techniques with their procedures while conducting research.
ይህ ቪዲዮ የሚያስረዳው አንድ ጥናት በምናካሄድበት ወቅት በጥናታችን ስለምናሳትፋቸው ግለሰቦች አመራረጥ እና ስለ ተለያዩ ናሙና አወሳሰድ ዘዴዎች ነው፡፡
This Video is prepared by Mahmud Reshad as a supplementary material for any course or training that related with sampling and sampling techniques for any research.
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