#samuraiarmor #samuraisword #日本刀
As this is a treasure museum for a shrine that enshrines Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the collection is centered on items related to Hideyoshi, as well as the Toyotomi and samurai families.
For example, Hideyoshi is famous for his gourd-shaped horse banner, and here the gourd-shaped horse banner that he actually used on the battlefield is on display. Incidentally, the "Sennari Hyotan" is a story that is often told, in which "every time he won a battle he added another gourd." This is a story made up later, and in reality he only had one gourd.
You can also see a pillow in the shape of a baku that is said to have been used by Hideyoshi, and a lacquer-painted box (makie karabitsu) in which he stored his personal belongings.
Seeing the things that famous historical figures actually used up close makes you feel even closer to them.
Other items on display include armor, bows, swords, and other military equipment, as well as calligraphy by Hideyori's son when he was eight years old. It's a must-see for anyone who loves history!