Rick introduces the latest version of the D.O.P.E. Drill - This time shooting for Hit Factor.
D. O. P. E. D R I L L.
D. O. P. E.
(Data On Previous Engagement) Drill is a progressive diagnostic accountability drill, encompassing all fundamentals under individually timed standards.
Execution & Engagement Distances
Begin with a clean target, write in all variable data before starting. Then at distances that are relatable to your operational environment, engage this target with 5 rounds, from each yard line, from an auditory signal as fast as you can. Then track accountability with a designator. Collect first rounds, splits between each round, and overall time fired.
- 5m /
-10m X
-15m ◼️
-20m ⚫️
-25m 🔺
A-Zone Hits worth 5 points, C-Zone Hits worth 3 points, D-Zone Hits worth 1 point. Any misses or hits in the black part of the AHT target is a penalty of -10 points. Looking for 100% Accountability and scored with Hit Factor. Total Score divided by Total Time. GOAL to shoot for on Rifle 20+ Hit Factor Pistol 10+ Hit Factor
Seek Training at https://www.achillesheeltactical.com/