📲 Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: https://pl.go-ga.me/1l0u9hri and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Knight Errant 🔥 Use the Promo Code JTSKIN before October 7th to get both the Epic Champion Stag Knight and Gilded Glider Custom Skin!
You can redeem the Promo Code either via this site https://plarium.com/en/redeem/raid-shadow-legends/, or inside RAID: Shadow Legends itself if you are playing via an Android device or on Plarium Play.
HEY YOU!!! think about subscribing maybe?
Sandstorm videos are always the scariest Its like you can't talk about the guy without having everyone jump to conclusions on what you will say....
Come debate or talk to me here:
Discord: Vondakay or https://discord.gg/jUBhTqssK8
Twitter: vondakakke
ALL THE MUSIC IS: @Lunziestella
Daedus - Lunziestella
Delightful Pastries - Lunziestella
Mindblock - Guess who??? its Lunziestella again...
Dwellers Garden - Mark (Lunziestella)
You're The Subject - Lunziestella
Moonwalker - Lunziestella
Were all here - Lunziestella
Indescribabble - Lunziestella
Dwellers Bono - Lunziestella
STARBOMBER - Lunziestella
Gobas - Lunziestella