KATS AND DEO SURVEYS LTD MATUGGA, Presenting to you #sanga Estate Nakukuba in wakiso District, this estate fits all your desires neighbourhood is good, has good roads which connects wakiso kampla land is private mailo with ready land title certificates..
for more details, please contact us via WhatsApp business number. +256-772050551
location of our office Matugga 11 opposite Matugga healthy centre ii (hospital) on main road Kampala Gulu high way/Bombo road..
We offer other services including...
Land surveying and land title processing for our clients
sites construction
property consultants
Hardware stores
Real Estate Management
Architectural design plans
property valuation
land forms verification and documentation
Civil and engineering services, among others..
@katsanddeosurveysltd is available on all social media platforms. "we are good at your." God has mercy