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Sanjeev Sanyal · Economic Advisor to Indian Prime Minister Modi 🇮🇳 | Ed on the Edge

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Sanjeev Sanyal is currently a Member of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’sEconomic Advisory Council (since 2022) with the rank of Secretary,Government of India. He was earlier the Principal Economic Adviser to theFinance Minister for five years till February 2022. He has also representedIndia on many international forums such as OECD and G7, and served as Co-Chair of the G20’s Framework Working Group. He was one of the keyarchitects of the G20’s Global Action Plan that kept the world economyfunctioning during the pandemic years.Since joining the government in early 2017, he was involved in many keyreforms For his contributions to public service, Sanjeev Sanyal was given theKPS Menon Memorial Award for 2023. The award is named after India’s firstforeign secretary.Prior to joining the government, he spent over two decades in internationalfinancial markets, and served as Chief Economist for South & South-EastAsia and later as Global Strategist and a Managing Director at DeutscheBankAn alumnus of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University, Mr. Sanyallater attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. He was awarded theEisenhower Fellowship in 2007 for his work on urban systems. In 2010 he wasnamed as Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Davos. Hehas been a visiting professor/fellow of numerous institutions such as OxfordUniversity Royal Geographical Society (London), Institute of Policy Studies(Singapore , Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi). He also chairs the board ofadvisors of the Delhi School of Public Policy and Governance (DelhiUniversity and was a member of the Board of Advisors of the World CitiesSummit Singapore.Mr Sanyal is the author of a number of best-selling books includingRevolutionaries Land of the Seven Rivers, The Ocean of Churn, India in theAge of Ideas, The Incredible History of the Indian Ocean, Life Over TwoBeers Iconic Indians and the Indian Renaissance. He has also publishedaround two hundred and fifty articles and columns in leading national andinternational publications. His writings have received many awards includingthe Kalinga Book Award 2023, the Art Karat Award 2018, Skoch Award forEconomics 2023 and so on. His book Revolutionaries is currently beingconverted into an Amazon Prime series.

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