Please subscribe this channel for more updates Sanmarka Vazhviyal(சன்மார்க்க வாழ்வியல் ) has been created by Saroja Ammal Charity(சரோஜா அம்மாள் அறக்கட்டளை ) to be performed and benefited above and without any of the barriers of all religions, all religious philosophies, all castes, all colors, all languages, all nationalities, all creeds, all sects and all political parties and any other disparities or differences pertaining to the stages and status of life but with the Universal, Public and general welfare or utility and benefit based on the SOULS INHERNET RIGHT OF COMPASSIONATE LOVE AND UNITY WITH OTHER SOULS.
To reveal and propagate the very important principles such as "UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD" ONLY THE UNIVERSAL LOVE is the true nature of the Self Existent Almighty, UNIVERSAL PEACE AND HARMONEY etc., to the People of the whole world and try to train them to put them into practice.
To try in all means to feed through Information Technology all categories of VALLALAR'S THIRU ARUTPAA in Major languages of the World, so as to propagate them to all nationalities of the world.
To bring out the complete works of VALLALAR'S THIRUARUTPAA in video for free and easy distribution
To bring out the AUDIO-CD and/or whatever form of VALLALAR'S THIRU ARUTPAA songs for the public utility and availability.
To try in all means to bring out the biography of VALLALAR in various presentations such as Pictorial, Photographical and Graphical presentations etc
To bring out the syllabus for the Education and Training of the Science of DEATHLESSNESS.
To lead the SUDDHA SANMAARGA PATH OF LIFE, to prepare the codes and conducts of True Discipline in daily life
To compile VALLALAR'S SUDDHA SANMAARGA DICTIONARIES to give clear meanings of unknown words, as to help the learners of THIRUARUTPAA
To collect the common adages or proverbs, maxims and axioms pertaining to the precept of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD and train the public to put into practice, the same golden words
To prepare narratives, pictorial portraitures, chronicles, epic stories so as to make the young children understand the precepts and principles of SUDDHA SANMAARGAM OF VALLALAR
To bring out the audio-cassettes of THIRU ARUTPAA SONGS both in Tamil and English so as to be pleasingly heard and mediated by the aspirants
To try in all means, to bring out the expositions of rare words and meanings to be understood by the learners of THIRU ARUPTAA LEXICONS in all walks of life
To bring out new publications of already published, but out of stock volumes of complete editions of THIRU ARUTPAA SONGS and their expositions and other related books in this subject