We are excited to launch our first LIVE podcast on the life of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib Wale. This is the second video of our newly launched Gurmukh Series which follows lives of great figures in Sikh history.
This podcast focuses on the entire life of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji and how they were given the seva (service) of continuing to spread the message of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji through the Bhai Daya Singh Ji lineage (One of the Five beloved ones). We also look at the writings of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji through their personal diary which has an abundance of spiritual knowledge. This LIVE podcast also had an audience which had the opportunity to ask any questions on the life of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji and experiences were shared by some members who actually met Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji!
A Big Thank you to Bhai Jivanpal Singh Ji of Nihung Santhia for coming on the Gurmukh Series Podcast again and blessing us with their time and continuous effort to educate and share their wisdom on the life of such great beings.
0:00 - PART 1 - Life of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji
2:40 - What is the definition of a Saint? Based on Vichar Mala Granth
12:20 - Parupkaar - Living for the benefit of others - Based on Bhavrasamrit Granth
13:43 - Can we truly know the spiritual life of a Gursikh?
20:08 - Birth and Childhood of Sant Isher Singh Ji
21:40 - The prophetic words of Baba Biram Das Ji
27:30 - Education & School
29:30 - Learning Jap Ji Sahib
30:52 - Greatness and importance of memorising Jap Ji Sahib in Sri Nanak Parkash/Garab Ganjani Teeka
35:08 - Importance of memorising Jap Ji Sahib in one of the oldest Teekas of Jap Ji Sahib
38:31 - Amritvela Abhiaas of Sant Isher Singh Ji at the age of 12/13
40:00 - Sant Ji’s Abhiaas of Sukhmani Sahib
42:05 - An amazing spiritual experience
44:58 - Family tries to stop Sant Ji from meditating
46:25 - Joining in the Kaar Seva of Sri Harmandir Sahib
47:27 - Sangat of Patiala Topkhana Singhs
49:06 - Importance of Saadhsangat
51:50 - Bhai Daya Singh Ji Samparda
57:16 - What does Samparda mean?
57:50 - Meeting Sant Attar Singh Ji Reru Sahib
1:00:00 - Taking Amrit
1:01:19 - Advice of Sant Isher Singh Ji's Mother
1:06:00 - Dedicating life to the Seva of Sant Attar Singh Ji
1:09:55 - Blessing of 'Kaphni' from Sant Attar Singh Ji
1:12:31 - Blessings from Sant Attar Singh Ji Mastuana Wale
1:16:12 - Sant Attar Singh Ji leaves for Sachkhand
1:17:30 - Meditation at Rara Sahib
1:20:00 - Story of the snake reincarnated from the time of Sri Guru Hargobind Ji
1:21:45 - Daily routine of Mahapursh and the Singhs at Rara Sahib
1:26:00 - Parchar
1:30:00 - Guru Gobind Singh Ji gives Darshan to Bhai Kehar Singh in a Diwan
1:31:50 - Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives Darshan in a Diwan of Sant Sundar Singh Ji Bhindranwale
1:33:52 - Amrit Sanchar Seva
1:35:50 - Why does Parchar of Gurmukhs have effect? Sakhi Bhai Mansukh Ji
1:40:15 - No attachment to money - story of Havelock Road Gurdwara
1:44:15 - Humilty - Story of Chajju the Gardener
1:49:35 - Fearlessness
1:52:18 - Last bachan of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji to Sangat before leaving India, 1975
1:55:40 - Bhai Inderjit Singh Ji Daheley shares his personal experiences with Sant Ji
2:08:40 - PART 2 - Ishwar Amolak Laal - The spiritual diary of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji
2:14:20 - Aatam Updesh
2:14:45 - Why do you worry or fear? Aatma is immortal
2:17:14 - Living a positive life
2:23:50 - Our mind is our best friend and our worst enemy (Sarkutavali Granth)
2:25:20 - How do we know we are the Aatma and not the mind/body?
2:31:50 - Diary Entry - 58th Birthday
2:36:40 - What are our three bodies? What is the Antashkaran?
2:41:00 - The three Avasthas (states) - Waking, dreaming and deep sleep
2:43:30 - The aim of life
2:46:20 - Analogy - The horse and the horse rider
2:53:30 - You are the witness (Sakshi)
2:55:23 - Changing states of the mind - Analogy of images on paper
3:00:28 - Concentration of the mind
3:03:38 - Stages of Simran
3:06:02 - Simran from every hair - Sakhi Sant Sundar Singh Ji & Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji
3:07:56 - The meaning of Vaheguru, What is Jarr and Chetan?
3:12:03 - 3 things to help us cross the world ocean
3:13:00 - Guru Amardas Ji's analogy of the boat
3:14:45 - 4 types of Bhagat
3:16:13 - The wave and the ocean
3:18:27 - The two types of death?
3:21:06 - Analogy - The mind horse
3:28:00 - Three dirts of the mind
3:31:08 - Practical ways to clean the mind
3:35:58 - Spiritual meaning of Fakeer
3:44:30 - Resources on the Jivani and works of Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji
BoS TV is a project by Everythings 13, an educational charity dedicated to spreading the wisdom of the Sikh Gurus.
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