SanUtsav (Festival) Series Playlist: 6 । श्रीस्वामी समर्थ प्रकटदिन – २ ।
108 Auspicious Names of Shree Swami Samartha - Sanjay Narayan Vengurlekar
।। श्रीस्वामी समर्थ अष्टोत्तरशत शुभनामावली ।।
Shree Swami Samartha Prakat Din Greetings!
On this Very Happy Occasion, we listen to the 108 Auspicious Names of Shree Swami Samartha from none other than Shree Sanjay Narayan Vengurlekar, the composer of this Namavali.
This Namavali was composed by Vengurlekar in less than 2 hrs on the midnight of 1st August 2004 because of direct divine inspiration. Here Shree Swami Samartha has unveiled Himself in His full, magnificent glory.
Composed & Chanted by: Sanjay Narayan Vengurlekar, Sanjana Publication
Samartha Bodh, SanUtsav Series (sanesamarthism):
Written and narrated by: Alka Gune-Sane
Visuals: Dhruv Sane & family
Vocals: Sanes’ – Dr. Devashree & chorus
Producer: Dr. Pramodchandra V Sane
Follow us on Facebook – sanesamarthism
Video support:
Motion graphics artist: Sanket Mahind, Mahind Motion Work
Typing: Manisha G
Proof-reading: Milind Welingkar
Website support: Sachin Pilankar
sanesamarthism - This channel has been created to spread the thoughts, teachings & tradition of Samartha Ramdas Swami, Shree Swami Samartha and their Samartha (Spiritually Accomplished / Siddha) disciples (
(All references and sources available at No copyright infringement intended)
समर्थ बोध: समर्थांचे मनाचे श्लोक व स्वामी समर्थांच्या लीला यांचे एकत्व !
The audio-visual pothi (religious book) Samartha Bodh captures the identical teaching from Ramdas Swami’s ‘Manache Shlok’ and Swami Samartha’s Leelas. Every chapter in Samartha Bodh is envisaged to be about 30 minutes long, so as to ensure that the pothi is comprehensive in its explanation, while simultaneously providing the listener enough thought-provoking material to contemplate over.
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#swamiprakatdin #SwamiSamarthaNamavali #श्रीस्वामीसमर्थअष्टोत्तरशतशुभनामावली