Saraswati Untold is the lesser known story of the arrival of the Rig Vedic River Saraswati.
The story proves the cosmological wisdom of our Rishis and establishes the ancient geographical existence of Saraswati Civilization.
The shlokas form the scriptures are composed into music & depicted in four parts in Odissi dance form.
Moksha in Odissi is the total surrender of the dancer soaring into the realm of pure aesthetic delight.
Fast tempo dance is performed to an accompaniment of a recitation of rhythmic syllables played on the Mardala,
followed by invocation of Shakti and praying for the universal well-being of mankind and a harmonious co-existence.
शुक्लाम् ब्रह्मविचार सार परमाम् आद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीम्।
वीणा-पुस्तक-धारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्॥
हस्ते स्फटिकमालिकाम् विदधतीम् पद्मासने संस्थिताम्।
वन्दे ताम् परमेश्वरीम् भगवतीम् बुद्धिप्रदाम् शारदाम्॥
शुक्लवर्ण वाली, संपूर्ण चराचर जगत् में व्याप्त, आदिशक्ति, परब्रह्म के विषय में किए गए विचार एवं चिंतन के सार रूप परम उत्कर्ष को धारण करने वाली, सभी भयों से भयदान देने वाली, अज्ञान के अंधेरे को मिटाने वाली, हाथों में वीणा, पुस्तक और स्फटिक की माला धारण करने वाली और पद्मासन पर विराजमान बुद्धि प्रदान करने वाली, सर्वोच्च ऐश्वर्य से अलंकृत, भगवती शारदा, सरस्वती देवी की मैं वंदना करता हूं..
I bow down to the Brahma roopinee shuklavarana/ bright complexioned maa Saraswati, the bestower of fearlessness & remover of ignorance, the source of all intellect, the one who permeates the universe, one who’s seated on a Lotus with the veena, the Vedas and a sphatik mala in her hand.
Saraswati Vandana is composed in Rag Bhairavi, Tal Ekatali & Jhoola
Conceptualized & produced by Ms Meenakshi Sharan under the banner of AYODHYA FOUNDATION
Music, composed by Guru Ram Haridas ji
Choreographed by Guru Bichitra Nand Swain.