Conducted by : The Deputy Abbot of the Mithrigala Nissarana Forest Monastery Ven. Panadure Chandaratana Thero
Session #1 : SatiSampajanna Sutta
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May these efforts help everyone to understand the correct path to meditation and to attain nibbana...
Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem to you all !
ධර්ම දානය උදෙසා මෙම උතුම් වූ ධර්ම කරුණු හැකිතාක් බෙදා හරින්න...
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GLOSSARY -------------
පස්සද්ධි- calmness; tranquillity; serenity.
පස්සද්ධි- නිවීයාම; ශාන්තබව.