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Yatharth Geeta - ASHRAM 313,214 9 years ago
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पूज्य स्वामी श्री अड़गड़ानन्दजी महाराज के मुखारविन्द से सत्संग का वास्तविक अर्थ, व्याख्या और सन्देश | दिनांक: १७-०९-२००० Extracts from Sriramcharitmans. ‘Vishwagaurav’ (Pride of the World), ‘Bharatgaurav’ (Pride of India), ‘Vishwaguru’ (the Man of the World and prophet) for his work ‘Yatharth Geeta’ (commentary on Srimad Bhagavad Gita) Title was conferred on the reverend Swami Ji by the World Religious Parliament. The Audio and the text of the Book, Yatharth Geeta is available in various International (English, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Persian, Nepali and Urdu) and Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Punjabi). More on Yatharth Geeta and Ashram Publications: Download Yatharth Geeta Application on PlayStore and AppStore to Stay in Touch.
