Explore the transformative effects of Saturn’s transit and how it influences your life. Understand the impact of Saturn as it moves through different houses and zodiac signs, bringing lessons, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Learn how to navigate this powerful transit and align with its energy for personal and spiritual development.
00:00 Glimpse
01:00 Gochara/Dasha
03:34 Impact of family members chart
05:37 Transit of Sa/Ju/Ra/Ke
07:35 Imp of Ashtakvarga in Transit
08:58 Transit of Su/Mo/Ve/Me/Ma
09:45 Transit over Bhrigu bindu
11:48 Saturn transit
12:35 Saturn transit over different lords
14:05 Saturn & Separation
14:38 Degree wise conjunction
18:16 Separation
21:08 Course Details
22:35 Prashna chart & this life action
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