Some tips to help you save money before building a fish, wildlife or any other type of pond. I think if you have never built or kept a pond before its best to start off small and learn about the ecosystem, the filters and make a few mistakes. Better to make mistakes on a small pond than a big one!
If you are making a small pond starting off with some sort of container for the pond and filter i think makes sense. If you want to build your pond in the ground and you'll most likely need a liner. In the video I mentioned 3 different types of liner (you can compare the prices on amazon via the attached links, if you make a purchase i may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you):
-PVC (
-EPDM Rubber (
I also mentioned 2 products that can be helpful in dealing with pond imbalances including string algae. For those that are in Australia like me you can use Diatomix- (If you place the code ozponds in the coupon box you will get free shipping).
For those outside Australia looking for nualgai (amazon link)- (If you make a purchase I may get a small commission at no extra cost to you).
I also mentioned some videos that will be helpful:
-The secret to a crystal clear pond (
-DIY Skimmer (
-Cost to build a Rec pond (
-No pump pond (
DIY Filter playlist (