Hi Friends! Let's have some fun saving some money. Why does February always seem to go so fast. I feel like Im suddenly behind for some reason.
Welcome to my budgeting channel. I’m a mom of 4, wife, and nurse budgeting our way to becoming debt free! This channel will have videos of our real budget, debt payoffs, cash stuffings, and savings challenges!
Connect with me:
[email protected]
PO Box 45242
Rio Rancho NM 87174
My Esty Shop: https://stefsonabudget.etsy.com
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/stefsonabudget
IG: https://instagram.com/plans_with_stef?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source
Chanels and Shops mentioned:
StepUp: @reinventingrene
2025: @savewithjudy
Feb: @deeplansandbudgets
Taco: @TheHumbleBudgeter
GetLow: @JamieRNbudgets
Girl Book: https://stefsonabudget.etsy.com
90s: @thedramaticpanda
Vending: @budgetwithcarly
Sloth: Stefs on a Budget Kofi Membership
SoyMate: @StuffandBudget
LifeStatus: @Builditbigbudgets
Mini: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BudgetingIntrovert
Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor. This channel showcases our personal journey to financial peace 💛💜
#budget #budgetwithme #cashstuffing #debtfreejourney #thebudgetmom #sinkingfunds #savingschallenges #budgetcommunity #debtfreecommunity #cashenvelopes #happymail #savings #budgetbypaycheck #budgetbypaycheck #zerobasedbudget #mondayminisavings #savings #savingmoney #savingschallenge #cashenvelopesystem #cashenvelopestuffing #debtfree #budgeting #mondayminis #mondayminissavings #savewithme