#MotoWorld #SBSFriction #SBS #Brakepads
SBS Friction Video Source:
Corporate Video - https://youtu.be/3cY9lhcP9NA
Product Video - https://youtu.be/FhTsjuZWvTk
0:20 Company History
0:47 NUCAP Technology
02:50 The Pads
05:56 Scooter Ceramic Pads
06:57 Big Scooter Sintered Pads
07:30 Big Bikes Sintered Pads
09:15 Racing Pads
10:00 Dual Carbon Pads
10:40 Racing Sintered Pads
11:12 Dual Sintered Pads
12:04 Conclusion
Have you ever checked your brake pads when you did your regular bike maintenance/service? So you go through the usual oil change, oil filter replacement, coolant check, but what about the brake pads?
In this episode, we take a look at the one after-market part that can literally stop you in your tracks and quite possibly save your life - Brake Pads.
You may stick to your favorite engine oil brand or upgrade to a top brand air filter, have you ever considered upgrading the brake pads? In this episode, we take a closer look at a venerable brand in brake pads, SBS Friction. Check out our in-depth review of SBS Frictrion's wide range of aftermarket brake pads, offering brake pads ranging from scooters for the daily commute, to Sunday ride on a big bike to racing use on the track.