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மருத்துவர் அஷ்வின் விஜய்,
Dr Ashwin Vijay
Hello Friends
I wanted to talk to you about inflammatory bowel disease. I am going to talk about it in detail in the coming days with the help of my gastroenterologist friends. But before that, I wanted to convey an important message here.
If you are feeling often like going to the bathroom right after eating or when you get tensed or have symptoms of anxiety then these are signs of inflammatory bowel disease.
In the earlier days, inflammatory bowel disease was not seen in many people.
But the shocking news is that, due to the food habits, anyone can have inflammatory bowel disease and the chances have increased many fold recently.
This is very important and it is mainly due to the white refined sugar that we intake every day. Cakes & chocolates, fast food items are all reasons. There is no harm if it is within the limits.
According to research, it seems that only 3 days is enough to get inflammatory bowel disease if you intake more than the required amount of sugar.
Limit the amount of white sugar that you intake. We all know we have both good and bad bacteria in our intestines. If the good bacteria have to survive, we need to eat more fiber-rich food.
White sugar decreases the efficiency of the good bacteria and therefore it does not work well. Due to which you will be prone to many intestinal problems.
If this prolongs for many days and years, you might even be prone to intestinal cancer.
we know that our gut is the more important part in the context of inflammation. The bacteria inside our gut are responsible for our active well-being. Good bacteria are affected severely due to white sugar.
I want to request you all to reduce the intake of white sugar through this video.
Will talk to you soon about more such videos.
Thank you
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