Full Written recipe for Schezwan chutney
Soaking time: 1 hour
Prep time: 10-15 minutes
Cooking time: 15-20 minutes
KASHMIRI RED CHILLIES | कश्मीरी लाल मिर्च 30-35 NOS.
OIL | तेल 3/4 CUP
STAR ANISE | चक्र फूल 4-5 NOS.
CELERY | सेलरी 1/3 CUP (CHOPPED)
GREEN CHILLI PASTE | हरी मिर्च कि पेस्ट 6-7 NOS.
KETCHUP | केचअप 1 CUP
RED CHILLI SAUCE | रेड चिली सॉस 1/2 CUP
VINEGAR | सिरका 1 TBSP
SOY SAUCE | सोय सॉस 1 TSP
SUGAR | शक्कर 1 TSP
AROMAT POWDER | एरोमैत पाउडर 1 TSP
WHITE PEPPER POWDER | सफेद मिर्च पाउडर 1 TSP
To make schezwan chutney you will first need to deseed & soak the Kashmiri red chillies, cut the stalk of the chilli using a pair of scissors & then split the chilli by cutting it through the middle length wise, majority of the seeds will fall off & the remaining will get separated from the chillies while soaking.
Transfer the chillies into a bowl & pour hot water until they are completely submerged, cover & soak for 1 hour at least, you can also boil the chillies for 20-25 minutes if you want to skip the soaking step.
Once they have soaked well, transfer them in a mixer grinder jar & grind them into a very fine paste using minimal amount of water.
Now to start cooing the sauce, set a wok on high flame & heat it very well.
Pour the oil into the wok and let it heat nicely, further add star anise, garlic, ginger & celery, stir & cook on high flame until the garlic turns golden brown, this process will take upto 4-5 minutes.
Once the garlic has turned golden brown, add the red chilli paste that you made along with green chilli paste & salt, cook for 15 minutes while stirring frequently, the colour of the chutney should darken & its texture should become crumbly.
At this stage you would think that there is a lot of oil, but the oil is very important as it helps to preserve the chutney & you can also use it as chilli oil while making various Chinese & Indo-chinese dishes.
When the chutney has darkened & becomes crumbly add ketchup & the remaining ingredients, stir well & cook for 3-4 minutes, you don’t have to cook a lot at this stage because you have already cooked the chillies & the sauces that you have added are already cooked.
Check for seasoning at this stage & adjust salt accordingly.
Your schezwan chutney is ready, cool it down completely before transferring it into an airtight container, you can store & use it upto 1-1.5 months if refrigerated.
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