#恒大 傳播學院 訪談節目《#恒傳感言》最新一集邀請到香港中文大學前校長、現任莫慶堯醫學講座教授 #沈祖堯 擔任嘉賓,佢提及唔少年輕人對前景感到悲觀,不過唔應該因為咁而放棄,要懷有廣闊嘅胸襟同視野,把握機會放眼世界,並呼籲社會多給予年輕人機會同扶持。
“Do not say ‘Each generation is worse than the last’. It should be ‘Each generation is DIFFERENT from the last’. We should not apply the same old standard to evaluate the youngsters today.”
We are honoured to have Professor Joseph Sung, Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, to be the guest of the latest episode of The School of Communication’s Talk Show series. He encourages youngster to open their mind and grab the opportunities to explore the world. He also calls for the society to give more opportunities and support to the youth.