This is the MUSIC ONLY version! To experience the same video with sound effects and dialogue, see this video:
"What a creepy looking lighthouse!" Velma, it's about to get a whole lot creepier when the ghost of Captain Cutler shows up!
Join Scooby and the gang as they explore a haunted lighthouse on a cold and foggy night! Then venture inside where a bubbling cauldron boils over a fire in the creaking old lighthouse. And LOOK OUT! The ghost of Captain Cutler is everywhere!
This fun and nostalgic two hour Scooby Doo ambience video features music from Scooby-Doo playing in the background, and no sounds or dialogue.
I created this Scooby Doo ambient video based on scenes from Scooby Doo, Where Are You! Season 1, Episode 2 "A Clue for Scooby Doo".
00:00 Disclaimer (not for kids!)
00:11 Ghost of Captain Cutler Ambience Video (Music Only)
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💀 Mystery Supply Co. creates vintage horror, sci-fi, and comic book themed prints, apparel, and gifts. Celebrating nostalgic pop culture that is spooky and kooky!
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